Spring detox for Digital Nomads 🌱 A 1-month coliving experience blending regenerative living, remote working, community, farm-to-table meals and holistic wellness in Colombia
Registrations are now open for Nomad Farm and 11 11 Holistic Health Coaching's upcoming retreat in March 2025

Our philosophy is that harmony can be found in getting to know Mother Earth and how to tend her. We believe that our well-being and hers go hand in hand.
As we heal, transform and regenerate the land that supports us, we do so for ourselves. As our soil thrives, the life on it can thrive too!
We believe in a world where traveling, coliving & remote working can be experienced in more connectedness with the natural world, the community & ourselves.


making it easy for location-independent people who seek for a change towards a more ‘regenerative’ lifestyle, but don’t know where to start

offering the opportunity to live in greater harmony and connectedness with nature, ourselves and a community

providing access to comfortable & reliable remote working conditions

democratizing eco-hospitality experiences by offering affordable prices

integrating, immersing and contributing inside a local community thus travelling purposefully and authentically

accessing an ecosystem that celebrates both ancestral ways of life and technology of our modern world

teaching tools on becoming resilient and ecoliterate via permaculture related workshops & daily practices

embracing a mindset of abundance where value is derived from the most simple and primordial things
A day in the life
of a Nomad Farmer

Passionate about creating unique and unconventional experiences that bring people closer to themselves, each other and Mother Earth.
Former Head of Coliving at Selina.
3+ years of experience curating experiences, community & products for digital nomads. Permaculture Design certified by Ecoversity.

Reconnecting to the living memory of the planet, finding out the missing links to build a more collaborative and conscious reality.
Building ecosystems and working with communities for 5+ years.
Learning, sharing and growing collectively.

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